ZH-4080详细资料: 电弧取折断工具设备 是汽车、拖拉机、内燃机、柴油机制造中的必配设备; A state patent productindispensable equipment in the manufacturing of tractorinternal-combustion enginediesel engine. •能蚀除各种折断在工件中的工具,而且不破坏工件表面; It can remove various broken tools left in the workpieces without any harmful influence on the workpieces surface. •蚀除效率高,可达2-8mm/min; High removal efficence. The maximum removal rate is at 2-8mm/min. •采用皂化液为工作液,使用安全,方便; It uses saponified fluid as the coolant which is safeconvenient for use. 售后服务:机床包修壹年;免费安装调试、培训售后服务24h响应